Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity


Monitoring of democratic governance


The Consolidation of Cambiemos and the Problems with Peronismo

With legislative elections 20 days away, Marcos Novaro, one of CADAL’s Academic Advisors, analyzed Argentina’s political landscape during another installment of the Foro Catalinas series.

Marcos Novaro en CADAL

Marcos Novaro is a sociologist with a doctorate in philosophy (UBA); he also holds a degree in Constitutional Law and Political Science from the Centro de Estudios Constitucionales in Madrid. Novaro is also a lead researcher at the CONICET. He has directed a dozen research projects and is currently coordinating the Political History Program at the Instituto Gino Germani and the Oral History Archive of Contemporary Argentina. He has worked as an advisor for the UNDP’s State of Democracy in Latin America program. Furthermore, Novaro was a Fulbright Fellow at George Washington University and Columbia University (2006) and a Guggenheim Fellow between from 2008 to 2009.

Marcos Novaro is also an Associate Professor in the Political Science department at the UBA, where he teaches contemporary political theory. He has also taught graduate courses at various national and international universities.

Novaro has authored several books, including “A History of Contemporary Argentina,” “Argentina at the end of the Century: Democracy, Market, and Nation (1983-2001),” “A History of Argentina 1955-2010,” “Vamos por todo” (in collaboration with Eduardo Levy Yeyati), “Manual del volante neurotico,” and “The Big and Small Lies They Told Us” (in collaboration with Marcelo Birmajer). Novaro often publishes pieces through various Argentinian news outlets. He is a member of the Center for the Opening and Development of Latin America (CADAL)’s Academic Advisory Board.

José Montaldo en CADAL

The event was moderated by José Montaldo, Director of CADAL’s Business Advisory Council.


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