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Monitoring of democratic governance


Political and economic prospects in Uruguay

Political scientist Adolfo Garce and economist Ignacio Munyo were invited as guest speakers in the Latin American Forum Buenos Aires to analyze the start of the second government of Tabare Vazquez.

The meeting held at the headquarters of CADAL was attended by representatives of the embassies of Norway, Sweden, Austria, the Czech Republic and Australia, concurrent in the Eastern Republic of Uruguay.

Perspectivas políticas y económicas en Uruguay

The Latin American Forum Buenos Aires on "political and economic outlook in Uruguay in the second government of Tabare Vazquez" began with the presentation by Ignacio Munyo.

Perspectivas políticas y económicas en Uruguay

Then, Adolfo Garce offered a political analysis of the beginning of the third government of the Frente Amplio in Uruguay and the challenges it faces.

Perspectivas políticas y económicas en Uruguay

Ignacio Munyo, PhD in Economics from the University of San Andrés and Master in Economics at the University of Chicago. Munyo has a degree in Economics from the University of the Republic. He is professor of Economics and Director of the Center of Economy, Society and Enterprise of the IEEM School of Business at the University of Montevideo. He is also Academician of the National Academy of Economics and member of the National System of Researchers.

Perspectivas políticas y económicas en Uruguay

Adolfo Garcé has a Master Degree in Political Science, Researcher of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of the Republic and Academic Director of the Center for the Opening and Development Latin America (CADAL). Garcé is author of the book "Where there was fire: The adaptation process MLN-Tupamaros to legality and electoral competition (1985-2004)" and co-author of "The Progressive Era. The leftist government in Uruguay: from ideas to policies ". He is academic advisor of CADAL.

Perspectivas políticas y económicas en Uruguay

Fernando Pérez Tain, H.E. Jostein Leiro, Ignacio Munyo and Adolfo Garcé.

Perspectivas políticas y económicas en Uruguay

Ignacio Munyo, Bita Rasoulian and Adolfo Garcé.

Perspectivas políticas y económicas en Uruguay

Jonas Bergman, Carlos Loaiza and Gabriel Salvia.

Comenzó el Programa Latinoamericano de Extensión Académica 2016

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