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Economic and Institutional Agenda and Business environment in Argentina

Economist Ernesto Kritz, head of SEL Consultores; Marcelo Loprete, Secretary and Director of CADAL's Academic Council; and Horacio Fernández, Coordinator of CADAL's Business Council, were speakers at the new meeting of Foro Latinoamericano Buenos Aires, dedicated to analyze the Economic and Institutional Agenda in Argentina. At the end of the Forum moderated by journalist Carlos Mira, a toast was offered with the sponsorship of Bodegas San Huberto.

Economist Ernesto Kritz, head of SEL Consultores; Marcelo Loprete, Secretary and Director of CADAL's Academic Council; and Horacio Fernández, Coordinator of CADAL's Business Council, were speakers at the new meeting of Foro Latinoamericano Buenos Aires, dedicated to analyze the Economic and Institutional Agenda in Argentina. At the end of the Forum moderated by journalist Carlos Mira, a toast was offered with the sponsorship of Bodegas San Huberto.

The Forum began with a presentation by Marcelo Loprete, focused on the agricultural policy taking into consideration the answers of 45 federal legislators of Barómetro Legislativo, a survey by CADAL. In this regard, Loprete began pointing out the importance of Barometro Legislativo as a tool to know the perception that our legislators have on certain public policy issues. Then he referred to the specific questions regarding the Agricultural sector and finally he presented his conclusions on the pending tasks for the Agricultural sector to have a voice in the Legislative Branch.

Marcelo Loprete is a lawyer (UBA)and holds a Ph.D. in Business Law (Universidad de Navarra, Spain). He is associate at the law firm Navarro Floria, Loprete y Asociados. He specializes on Business Law (business, contracts, merges and aquisitions). He is professor of Political Economy (Law School, Universidad Austral); ad Professor of Economics and Finances I (Master in Management of Communications in Organizations, Communications College, Universidad Austral). He is Secretary and Director of CADAL's Academic Council.

Then, Horacio Fernández lectured on energy policy, refering to the following questions: What happened and happens in Argentina? What happens in the world? Fernández also used the information from Barómetro Legislativo of the following questions regarding energy policy: 1) Tariffs and taxes. 2) Privatizations and State companies. Fernández continued his presentation giving a complete description of the energy situation of Argentina.

Horacio Fernández is a lawyer (UBA) and holds a Master in Comparative Law (USA). He served in Argentina as director of public affairs for Occidental Petroleum, Shell CAPSA and Total Austral. He was part of directive commissions of Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas, and Cámara de la Industria del Petróleo,  and Cámara de Empresas Productoras de Hidrocarburos and Unión Industrial Argentina. For 10 years he has been professor of Law for Engineers at ITBA and currently he lectures for the graduate program on Oil and Gas Economics, and he is coordinator of CADAL's Business Council.

The last presentation was in charge of Ernesto Kritz, on "Business environment and labor scenario in Argentina", detailing the results of a recent survey of his company: Most important problems of Argentina; Evolution of inflation; Most important problems of your company; How would you describe the current situation of your business?; How do you think your company will be in a year from now?; Evolution of the earnings of your company; What is your investment prevition for 2011?; Evolution of investment in relations to last year; What is the kind of investment you are planing for 2011?; Effect of political situation on investments; How would you qualify the business environment in Argentina?; Situation of judicial security for investments in Argentina in comparison to last year; Institutional quality of the relation between government and businesses during the last years; If Cristina wins the elections, What do you think will most probably happen?; Employment map of Argentina.

Ernesto Kritz is associate and executive director of SEL Consultores. He is economist speciallized on labor economy and social policies. He served as technical director of the International Labor Organization and as consultant for the UN, World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank. He was professor of graduate students of labor economy at Universidad de San Andres and Universidad de Buenos Aires. He is member of the Consultative Council of Centro de Estudios Laborales at Universidad Argentina de la Empresa, of Asociación Argentina de Economía Política and former vice president of Asociación Argentina de Especialistas en Estudios del Trabajo.

Bernd Löhmann, officer of Fundación Konrad Adenauer in Argentina and Ernesto Kritz.

José Montaldo, Horacio Reyser –Vicepresident and Director of the Business Council of CADAL- and Juan Pablo de Miguel.

Carlos Mira and Jorge Montanari.



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