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Within the framework of the Programa of Regional Policial and Economic Analysis, CADAL organized at Salón Montevideo of the Legislature of Buenos Aires City, the first meeting of the Series with Legislators. In this opportunity, the guest speaker was Patricio Walker, Senator of Chile who referred to the following: Electoral Democracy, Institutions democracy and governance in Latin America; the political class and the earthquake tragedy in Chile; the main challenges of Sebastián Piñera's government; the opposition role of Concertación and its political future; and Chilean foreign policy towards the neighborhood and bilateral relations with Argentina.
Patricio Walker Prieto was born in Santiago de Chile on April 28 1969, he is a lawyer (Universidad Diego Portales) and he is married. He is Senator of Chile (Christian Democrat Party) representing the eleventh region, Aysén. He was elected representative of the republic three times in an row, from 1998 till 2002, from 2002 till 2006 and from 2006 till March 2010, when he received the highest number of votes at the national level. He took part in 120 law projects and more than a dozen of them turned into law. He served as Chairman of the House of Representatives of Chile (2007-2008), whip of the Christian Democrats at the House of Representatives (2002-2003) and National President of the Cristian Democrat Youth (1996-1998). He is currently the president of the Defense Comission at the Senate and member of the Comission of Constitution, Legislation, Justice and Rule.
Gabriel Salvia, Chairman of CADAL; Carolina Barone, General Director of International Relations at Buenos Aires Legislature; Pablo Garzonio, Undersecretary of Institutional Strengthening and Exchange of Buenos Aires Legislature; Patricio Walker; Jorge Garayalde, Legislator of Buenos Aires; and Avelino Tamargo, Legislator of Buenos Aires.
Senator Patricio Walker was declared honorable guest by the Legislature of Buenos Aires. In the picture with legislators Antonio Rubén Campos and Jorge Garayalde, author of the initiative, and Pablo Garzonio.
Carolina Barone, Antonio Campos, Jorge Garayalde, Patricio Walker, S.E. Philomena Murnagham (Ambassador of Ireland) and Pablo Garzonio.