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Stand with Ukraine!
Three years after the Russian autocracy invaded Ukraine, CADAL expresses its solidarity with the Ukrainian people. With this video, in which the Cuban musicians of the Atemporal trio perform the pacifist anthem of Pastoral, CADAL remembers that human rights are universal and that the globalization of democracy is fundamental for the promotion of world peace.
Presentation of the global trends and success stories of the Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2024
Mental scars: Freedom and responsibility in politically traumatized citizens of the GDR
Oscar Grandío: «It is a farce that in Cuba there is a government accepted by the majority»
Giselle Morfi: «The Cuban State has been in charge of erasing the historical memory since 1959»
Carolina Barrero: «The EU does not recognize the dimension of the Cuban dictatorship»
C. M. Rodríguez Arechavaleta: «The last general, concurrent, presidential election in Cuba was in 1948»
José Jasán Nieves: «Reality and humor are combined with creativity, resilience and a hard stomach»
Reinaldo Escobar: «The worst thing for me, at this moment, is the lack of people’s rights»
Andrea Sambuccetti: «It reflects the desperation that exists at this moment within Cuba»
Carlos Liscano: «When I was in Cuba I realized that this was not what I wanted for my country»
David Hoffman: «The really unique thing about Oswaldo is that he got 35,000 people to rise up against the dictatorship»
Julio Llópiz-Casal: «Cuban power is interested in having a tool to threaten, incriminate and imprison, as is happening right now with Maykel Osorbo and Luis Manuel»
Brian Schapira: «When dissident artists, journalists or human rights defenders have visibility, the Cuban regime tells them: jail or exile».
Carolina Barrero at the delivery of the Award for Diplomacy Committed to Human Rights in Cuba, 2019-2021
Bastiaan Engelhard at the delivery of the Award for Diplomacy Committed to Human Rights in Cuba, 2019-2021
María Matienzo: «From the official discourse, there is a tendency to justify the Russian invasion»
Aimara Peña: «In Cuba there is no established democracy because people do not have the power to choose»
Osvaldo Navarro: «If you criticize the Cuban government, you will most likely be a victim of repression»
Summary 2019 of the Project dedicated To The Promotion of Political Pluralism in Cuba
Sybil Rhodes: «Migration cooperation is not a substitute for solving problems directly»
Arnold Chung Chin Kiu, one of the founding members of the Hong Kong Demosistō political platform
José Miguel Vivanco: «The most complex thing we face today is the rise of populist governments»
Outstanding recomendations from democratic countries during the UPR of Cuba in the UNHRC
The heavy hand of the security services on media outlets and arrests of journalists in Uzbekistan.
Testimony of Radwan Ziadeh, Director of the Center for Human Rights Studies in Damascus, Syria