Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity


Monitoring of democratic governance


Political Prospects in Argentina and Uruguay

A Foro Latinoamericano was held at the headquarters of CADAL in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The objective was to analyze the first seven months of the Macri administration and challenges to the opposition in Uruguay. Speakers were Carlos Fara and Adolfo Garce.

Carlos Fara and Adolfo Garce described the political landscape of Argentina and Uruguay. Fara is the Director of the Advisory Council of CADAL and spoke about "Macri after 7 months in power: strengths and weaknesses". Garcé CADAL 's Academic Director on the other hand gave a talk on "Opportunities and challenges of the opposition in Uruguay".

Carlos Fara

Carlos Fara is a specialist in Public Opinion , Election Campaign , Government Communication Strategies and Marketing. He has been awarded the Premio Aristóteles a la Excelencia 2010 and Premio EIKON de Oro. He was the President of Asociación Latinoamericana de Consultores Políticos and also a member of International Association of Political Consultants.

Adolfo Garcé

Adolfo Garce has a Doctorate in Political Science. He is a Researcher at the Department of Political Science (Faculty of Social Sciences - Universidad de la República). Author of "Donde hubo fuego: El proceso de adaptación del MLN-Tupamaros a la legalidad y a la competencia electoral (1985-2004)”. He co- authored “La Era Progresista. El gobierno de izquierda en Uruguay: de las ideas a las políticas”.


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