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Economic Outlook in Uruguay

The Buenos Aires Latinamerican Forum welcomed the participation of Mariana Ferreira, Manager of the Department of Competitive Intelligence at URUGUAY XXI, as a guest speaker, who offered a diagnosis of and perspectives on Uruguay’s macroeconomy, the micro and macoeconomic challenges in the medium and long term, and the business atmosphere in Uruguay.

A new edition of the Buenos Aires Latinamerican Forum took place in the headquarters of CADAL, which on this occasion was dedicated to analyzing the macroeconomic situation and investment climate in Uruguay in a context of regional protectionism and global uncertainty. The Forum welcomed the participation of Mariana Ferreira as a guest speaker, who offered a diagnosis of and perspectives on Uruguay's macroeconomy, the micro and macroeconomic  challenges in the medium and long term, and the business atmosphere in Uruguay. The meeting was moderated by Stefania Pesavento, Executive Assistant of CADAL in Uruguay, and the participants included representatives from the embassies of Australia, Finland, the Netherlands, Poland, Norway, and Sweden.

Mariana Ferreira is the Manager of the Department of Competitive Intelligence at URUGUAY XXI. She has a master's degree in economis from the School of Economic Sciences and Administration (UDELAR). She teaches macroeconomics at UDELAR and political economy in the master's program at the same school. Prior to her job at URUGUAY XXI, she was Manager of the Department of Economic Consulting at CPA/Ferrere.

Mariana Ferreira together with S.E. Patricia Holmes, Ambassador of Austrailia, and Joris Jurriëns, Business Manager of the Embassy of the Netherlands. 

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