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At Cámara Nacional de Comercio y Servicios del Uruguay, CADAL organized the presentation of the 20th edition of Perspectiva magazine, with the participation of Senator Sergio Abreu and diplomat Elbio Rosselli. Both speakers referred to the subject of the dosier of this issue of Perspectiva on "Latin American foreign policy in the current world (dis)order" where the challenges and alternatives of the foreign policy in our region is analyzed. Among the authors of the dossier are: Stephen Johnson, Rosendo Fraga, Fernando Dworak, Michael Shifter, María Teresa Romero, Angel Soto and Nelson Fernández, this last, CADAL's offier in Uruguay.
The presentation began with the analysis of Ambassador Elbio Rosselli, General Director of Political Affairs at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay.
The closure of the presentation of the magazine was in charge of Sergio Abreu, current Senator by Partido Nacional and former Chancellor of Uruguay.
The presentation of Perspectiva: Revista Latinoamericana de Política, Economía y Sociedad was sponsored by El País newspaper and was promoted by several radio and TV shows, helping to achieve an important participation of public, among them, the ambassadors of Switzerland and Mexico.
All the assistants to the presentation received a free copy of 20th edition of Perspectiva magazine. This edition of Perspectiva also includes articles on the constitutional referendum in Bolivia, the World Economic Forum and the World Social Forum, a decade of Chávez in Venezuela and a review of Carlos Sabino's book "Todos nos equivocamos".
Perspectiva magazine is published in Colombia by Instituto de Ciencia Política, with the support of Center for International Private Enterprise in the US and the collaboration of a network of institutes from different countres in the region. CADAL represents Perspectiva magazine in Uruguay, being in charge of the presentation, distribution and promotion in that country.