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The book “Origin, myths and influences of anti-Semitism in the world” was published by CADAL and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and includes the following topics: Searching for a safe home: origins and evolution of Zionism; How did the theories of the worldwide Jewish conspiracy come about?; National Socialism and its genocidal ideology; Soviet anti-Semitism; The denial of the Shoá; Argentine anti-Jewish authors; and The creation of the State of Israel.
Mónica Dawidowicz and Ricardo López Gottig during the presentation of the book at the University of Belgrano.
The book includes in its back cover the following sentence by Professor Héctor Schamis, of Georgetown University: "Anti-Semitism is not just a problem of Jews, it is of society as a whole. In yesterday's format — transparent and brutal — or in today's version — more subtle — it is always a social pathology, a statistical sampling of abuse. Violent to some, very visible, but in reality victimizes everyone. It is a window that shows the difficulties of any society in defining and enforcing rights. When the rights of a minority are violated, they almost always, end up violating those of many others. This book interrogates these issues in historical perspective, from the origins of anti-Semitism to the current formulations, usually involved in the language of 'anti-Zionism' The author takes us by the hand through these topics with knowledge and creativity. A true 'tour de force' on the subject."