Activists plan Geneva Summit for Democracy, Human Rights and Tolerance
CADAL, as a part of a multinational coalition of 25 human rights organizations, will gather activists from around the world who lead in the fields of human rights, democracy and the fight against racism for a summit that will take place on 19 April in Geneva, before the Exam Conference of Durban at the UN.
CADAL, as a part of a multinational coalition of 25 human rights organizations, will gather activists from around the world who lead in the fields of human rights, democracy and the fight against racism for a summit that will take place on 19 April in Geneva, before the Exam Conference of Durban at the UN.
The meeting of activists, entitled "Geneva Summit for Democracy, Human Rights and Tolerance", will take place a day before the world conference at the UN on racism, with the aim of supporting their objectivs in the promotion of universal human rights through the erradication of discrimination, intolerance and persecution.
"We support the Geneva Summit because it constitutes a great opportunity to deal with the main problems of human rights in the world in just one place, and from the voices of the victims. It is important for the world to realize the truth on the behavior of regimes like the Cuban towards their own citizens, taking into account that for instance Cuba has an important role in the Conference organized by the UN" stated Gabriel Salvia, CADAL's Chairman.
The summit will gather under the same roof some of the best known figures in the fight for human rights, democracy and tolerance. Among them the egyptian disident Saad Eddin Ibrahim, the disident from Burma Bo Kyi (laureate by Human Rights Watch on 2008), the American lawyer of free speech Floyd Abrams and the survivor of the ruandees genocide Eester Murawajo. Also invited are Dalai Lama, former president and disident of Czech Republic Vaclav Havel, former Secretary General of the UN Kofi Annan, movie star and activist for Darfur Mia Farrow and Cuban cyberdisident Yoani Sánchez. To see the complete list of participants, click on
The coalition that organizes the Summit is formed by diverse non governmental associations from arround the world, such as:
* The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma)
* Avega - Association des Veuves du Genocide (Ruanda)
* Becket Fund for Religious Liberty (USA)
* Centro para la Apertura y el Desarrollo de América Latina (Latin America)
* Darfur Peace and Development Center (Switzerland)
* Directorio Democratico Cubano (USA)
* The East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders
* Fondation Généreuse Développement (Cameroon)
* Freedom House (USA)
* Freedom Now (USA)
* Global Zimbabwe Forum (Switzerland)
* Groupe des Anciens membres de l'Association des Etudiants Réscapés du Genocide (Ruanda)
* Human Rights Without Frontiers (Belgium)
* Ibuka (Ruanda)
* Ingenieurs de Monde (Switzerland)
* International Federation of Liberal Youth (UK)
* Int'l Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Youth & Student Org. (Belgium)
* Ligue International Contre le Racisme (France)
* SOS Racisme (France)
* Stop Child Executions (Iran)
* UN Watch
The event is supported by:
* Genocide Watch (USA)
* The International Campaign to End Genocide (USA)
* The International Association of Genocide Scholars (USA)
* Inter-African Committee (Senegal)
* Urgence Darfour (France)
For more information about the event and how to register
CADAL, as a part of a multinational coalition of 25 human rights organizations, will gather activists from around the world who lead in the fields of human rights, democracy and the fight against racism for a summit that will take place on 19 April in Geneva, before the Exam Conference of Durban at the UN.
The meeting of activists, entitled "Geneva Summit for Democracy, Human Rights and Tolerance", will take place a day before the world conference at the UN on racism, with the aim of supporting their objectivs in the promotion of universal human rights through the erradication of discrimination, intolerance and persecution.
"We support the Geneva Summit because it constitutes a great opportunity to deal with the main problems of human rights in the world in just one place, and from the voices of the victims. It is important for the world to realize the truth on the behavior of regimes like the Cuban towards their own citizens, taking into account that for instance Cuba has an important role in the Conference organized by the UN" stated Gabriel Salvia, CADAL's Chairman.
The summit will gather under the same roof some of the best known figures in the fight for human rights, democracy and tolerance. Among them the egyptian disident Saad Eddin Ibrahim, the disident from Burma Bo Kyi (laureate by Human Rights Watch on 2008), the American lawyer of free speech Floyd Abrams and the survivor of the ruandees genocide Eester Murawajo. Also invited are Dalai Lama, former president and disident of Czech Republic Vaclav Havel, former Secretary General of the UN Kofi Annan, movie star and activist for Darfur Mia Farrow and Cuban cyberdisident Yoani Sánchez. To see the complete list of participants, click on
The coalition that organizes the Summit is formed by diverse non governmental associations from arround the world, such as:
* The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma)
* Avega - Association des Veuves du Genocide (Ruanda)
* Becket Fund for Religious Liberty (USA)
* Centro para la Apertura y el Desarrollo de América Latina (Latin America)
* Darfur Peace and Development Center (Switzerland)
* Directorio Democratico Cubano (USA)
* The East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders
* Fondation Généreuse Développement (Cameroon)
* Freedom House (USA)
* Freedom Now (USA)
* Global Zimbabwe Forum (Switzerland)
* Groupe des Anciens membres de l'Association des Etudiants Réscapés du Genocide (Ruanda)
* Human Rights Without Frontiers (Belgium)
* Ibuka (Ruanda)
* Ingenieurs de Monde (Switzerland)
* International Federation of Liberal Youth (UK)
* Int'l Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Youth & Student Org. (Belgium)
* Ligue International Contre le Racisme (France)
* SOS Racisme (France)
* Stop Child Executions (Iran)
* UN Watch
The event is supported by:
* Genocide Watch (USA)
* The International Campaign to End Genocide (USA)
* The International Association of Genocide Scholars (USA)
* Inter-African Committee (Senegal)
* Urgence Darfour (France)
For more information about the event and how to register