Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity


Sergio Fausto
Sergio Fausto
Academic Advisor
Politologist, current Executive Superintendent for the Fernando Henrique Cardoso institute. Co-director of the Democratic Platform Project and the Latin American Democracy Status collection. Member of the International Situation Analysis Group (Gacint) of the Sao Paulo University and publisher for the O Estado de Sao Paulo newspaper. Former advisor for the Ministries of Finance and Planification between 1995 and 2002 and researcher at the Brasilian Center of Analysis and planification (CEBRAP).
Sergio Fausto's publications
Artículos | Diálogo Latino Cubano
30-10-2010 | Artículos
Hacer alianzas puntuales para cuestionar la distribución de poder actual en el mundo es un objetivo legítimo y oportuno. Sin embargo, viene siendo perseguido al precio de la pasividad hacia los violadores contumaces de derechos humanos.
