Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity



CADAL celebrates its 14th Anniversary

The Center for the Opening and Development of Latin America (CADAL) dedicated its 14th Anniversary to the presentation of the book State Crimes. Justice’s Dilemmas, attended by Jaime Malamud Goti, the author, and Carlos Rosenkrantz, Judge of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.

The book State Crimes. Justice’s Dilemmas, published in 2016 by Hammurabi Editions, with the cooperation of CADAL, republishes articles and notes by Jaime Malamud Goti, written in over the past 15 years, on transitional justice.

CADAL celebró su 14º aniversario

Jaime Malamud Goti is Doctor of Law, from the University of Buenos Aires, professor of Law and Ethics from the University of San Andrés, and Director of the Research Institute Carlos Nino from the University of Palermo. He was Legal Advisor during President Alfonsín’s administration, one of the two main architects of the Junta’s trials and was Attorney General of the Supreme Court of Argentina during the democratic transition after the military dictatorship. He was also professor at the University of Arkansas. He has also written books around the Argentinian transition process, like Game Without End, State Terror and the Politics of Justice, and numerous articles.

CADAL celebró su 14º aniversario

Carlos Rosenkrantz is Judge of the Supreme Court of Argentina. He is Doctor of Law Sciences from the University of Yale (EEUU), Attorney and professor from de University of Buenos Aires, as well as professor and former Rector from the University of San Andrés. He has held conferences and classes at Argentinian and foreign universities, including Harvard, Yale, Berkley, Universita Pompeu Fabra, University of Genova and CIDE (Mexico). He teaches Constitutional Law, Theory of Law and Private Law. He is an expert in Constitutional Litigation and complex cases. As litigation attorney, he launched the study Bouzat Rosenkrantz & Asociados. He is also a founding member of the Civil Rights Association, affiliated to the Comparative Law Asociation, and the Association for the protection of competition.

CADAL celebró su 14º aniversario

CADAL's 14th Anniversary started with a video, summarizing the activities of 2016, by Luisa Habbel.

CADAL celebró su 14º aniversario

Opening remarks on CADAL’s 14th anniversry were in charge of Sybil Rhodes, Vicepresident and Director of the Academic Council of CADAL.

CADAL celebró su 14º aniversario

Leandro Despouy and Jaime Malamud Goti

CADAL celebró su 14º aniversario

Carlos Rosenkrantz and Claudia Hilb

CADAL celebró su 14º aniversario

Liliana De Riz and Manuel Mora y Araujo

CADAL celebró su 14º aniversario

Hernán Alberro, Eric Grosembacher, Sybil Rhodes, Ludmila González, Alessio Scocca, Luisa Habbel and Justine Vieira.

CADAL celebró su 14º aniversario

Julieta Casas, Ignacio Labaqui and Marcelo Camusso.


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