Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity


Juan Pablo Cardenal
Juan Pablo Cardenal
Synic Analysis Editor
Writer, journalist. Foreign correspondent in China for various Spanish newspapers between 2003 and 2014, focusing on China’s international expansion since 2009. Since then, he has done research on the consequences of China’s investments, infrastructure and loans in 40 different countries from 4 continents. The research resulted in books he co-authored, among them “La silenciosa conquista China” (2011) and “La imparable conquista de China” (2015), which were translated to 12 languages. Since 2016, he has directed research projects oriented to understanding China’s soft power and Beijing’s strategy to achieve political influence in Latin America. He has been a speaker in various international conferences and has published articles in El País, El Mundo, Clarín, The New York Times, Project Syndicate and the South China Morning Post. His last book is “La telaraña” (2020), on the internacional thread of political crisis in Catalunia.
Juan Pablo Cardenal's publications
Articles | Artículos | Informes | Libros | Research Reports

See Juan Pablo Cardenal's publications in collaboration with other authors

12-03-2018 | Libros
La investigación de Cardenal demuestra que las autoridades en Beijing no están involucradas en «diplomacia pública» tal como lo entenderían las democracias. En su lugar, parecieran estar persiguiendo objetivos más malignos, por lo general asociados con nuevas formas de censura directa y control de la información en el exterior, cosa que es todo lo opuesto a la concepción benigna del «poder blando».
