Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity


Inés Pousadela
Inés Pousadela
Academic Advisor
She has a Doctorate in Political Science, Universidad de Belgrano in Political Theory and Sociological Theory; Doctorate courses at IHEAL / Université Paris 3 in the Latin American Studies orientation; a Master's Degree in Economic Sociology, IDAES-UNSAM; and she has a degree in Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. She is Senior Research Specialist at CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation; Researcher at the Independent Review Mechanism (IRM) for Argentina of the Open Government Partnership; and Professor of Comparative Politics and Global Civil Society at the ORT Uruguay University.
Inés Pousadela's publications
Artículos | Diálogo Latino Cubano
14-06-2024 | Artículos
Nunca antes la transición había sido una posibilidad tan real. Pero todavía hay demasiadas cosas que podrían salir mal.
