Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity


Gabriel C. Salvia
Gabriel C. Salvia
General Director of CADAL
International human rights activist. Since 1992 he has served as director of Civil Society Organizations and is a founding member of CADAL. As a journalist he worked in graphics, radio and TV. Compiled several books, among them "Diplomacy and Human Rights in Cuba" (2011), "Human rights in international relations and foreign policy" (2021) and "75 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Views from Cuba" (2023), and he is the author of "Dancing for a mirage: notes on politics, economics and diplomacy in the governments of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner" (2017). He is also the author of several reports, including " The chairs of the Council: authoritarianism and democracies in the evolution of the integration of the UN Human Rights body" and "Memory closed: The complicity of the Cuban revolution with the Argentine military dictatorship".
Gabriel C. Salvia's publications
Apertura Latinoamericana | Archivo | Articles | Artículos | Books | Diálogo Latino Cubano | Documents | Informes | Interviews | Latino-Cuban Dialogue | Libros | Rankings | Research Reports

See Gabriel C. Salvia's publications in collaboration with other authors

18-05-2024 | Latino-Cuban Dialogue
If Argentina truly wants to support freedom and human rights in Cuba, it must begin by removing the immigration barriers that limit the mobility of its citizens. By opening our doors without restrictions to Cubans, we demonstrate a genuine commitment to the cause of freedom and offer a path to a brighter future for the Cuban people. It is time to act with consistency and solidarity, and allow those seeking to escape oppression to find refuge and opportunities in our countries.

13-05-2014 | Latino-Cuban Dialogue
The challenge of the Forum was not only addressed to the Cuban dictatorship but also to the other member states of the CELAC, to the developed democracies which have embassies in Havana and the officials of regional organizations such as the OAS and the EU and international bodies such as the UN.
