Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity


North Korea under the loupe


North Korea under the spotlight

CADAL started in October a project to raise awareness on the situation in North Korea that will offer exclusive content and translations in Spanish from human rights organizations and specialized media around the globe. Political scientist Agustín Menéndez and journalist Florencia Grieco have joined CADAL’s staff as an Associate Researcher and Editor-in-Chief for this project. As a precedent, it should be noted that since 2016 CADAL has been a member of the International Coalition to stop crimes against humanity in North Korea (ICNK) and has organized various activities on the subject, some of them with people who managed to escape from the country. Within the framework of this project, a free subscription is offered to receive a monthly newsletter on North Korea.
Crédito: Florencia Grieco

Nuclear threats, missile tests, total border closures and human rights violations are common topics when talking about North Korea. We may add a chronic lack of information, food and health crisis and rumors about Kim Jong Un's health and the continuity of leadership.

Nevertheless, what we know about North Korea is limited. Information is not always verified and sources are not always independent, and it’s even harder to access reliable content in Spanish. To try to fill this gap, we’ve analyzed the country under the spotlight.

Starting in October, we will publish exclusive content and translations in Spanish from renowned human rights organizations and specialized media around the globe.

Political scientist Agustín Menéndez and journalist Florencia Grieco have joined CADAL's staff as an Associate Researcher and Editor-in-Chief for this project.

Agustín Menéndez was already a member of CADAL as an expert advisor. He has a degree in Political Science (UBA), he studied a Master's in History (UTDT) and is currently finishing his studies in Law (UBA). He was a KGIP Fellow (Korean Government Invitation Program). He has specialized in issues of the Korean Peninsula and the violation of Human Rights in North Korea. He collaborates in different media.

Florencia Grieco is an Argentinian journalist and editor living in Barcelona. She holds a Bachelor Degree in Political Science from the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and an MA in International Relations from the University of Bologna (Italy). She’s been a contributing non-fiction Editor for Penguin Random House Argentina and Spain and was the Editor-in-chief of the websites of Latin American political magazine Nueva Sociedad and Infobae America. She previously worked as an Editor on International Affairs for the independent newspapers Crítica and Página/12 and as a Consultant for the European Commission and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). She visited the DPRK twice, and after a 2-years research she wrote the book En Corea del Norte. Viaje a la última dinastía comunista (Inside North Korea. Journey to the Last Communist Dynasty, Debate).

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