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On Monday, April 30, Hernán Alberro, Programs Director of CADAL, participated at Centro Brasileiro de Relaçoes Internationais (CEBRI) of a roundtable on “Understanding and Addressing the Policy Challenges in the Americas” organized by Americas Society/Council of the Americas in Brazil with the aim of developing a discussion between think tanks from the Americas on accomplishments and challenges of policies in the region.
The meeting got together representatives from the most important think tanks in the region in Rio de Janeiro to analyze subjects like "Social Inclusion: the economic growth; social mobility and political representation"; "Personal Security: the policy and human rights implications of security: challenges and successful examples"; "Latin America and the Caribbean and the Economic Downturn: Global and Regional Trade, Countercyclical Policies, Risk to the Middle Class"; "Intra-Regional Politics: Points of Collaboration, Flashpoints"; and finally there was a closure summing up the results of "Drug and Democracy Task Force".