Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity



Horacio Reyser named Director of CADAL's Business Council

The main objective of the Business Council will be to serve as a link between CADAL and the business sector while at the same time feed the organization identifying the most worrying matters of the national realities to submit them to objective analysis and research. In turn this will help to form civic conscience that can then be turned into concrete actions of government, legislators, judges, citizens and businessmen. The new Director of CADAL's Business Council is an associate of Southern Cross and holds an Industrial Engineer degree from Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA).

During the last meeting of the year of Latin American Forum Buenos Aires, Ing. Horacio Reyser was formally named Director of CADAL's Business Council. By accepting to form this Council, Reyser stated "CADAL has been since her foundation and still is, a clear and permanent voice in the promotion of democracy, the strengthening of institutions and economic and social progress in Latin America. Through the numerous activities she organizes, including the publication of books, op-eds, conferences and seminars, radios shows, etc., she fills a unique and key place in the region".

The young businessman added that "Latin America is going through a critical stage in her development. While some countries like Chile, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia and Uruguay are making huge progress in the fields of development of institutions and economic and social progress (though still with a long way to go), others like Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and the particular case of Argentina are in big difficulties to achieve sustainable development. On the contrary, in some of these countries there is an absence of the most basic liberties and in others important violations of propety rights that delay the establishment of conditions for progress like the confiscation of the pension funds that took place recently in Argentina, just to mention a case".

Reyser held that "in face of these challenges, organizations like CADAL, non-partisan, non-profit, with a long term horizon, that make analysis and objetive and professional research on the subjects, playing a fundamental role for societies in our region. And they are like beam of light focusing on the main subjects that should worry a society so that there are not fundamental decision taken by governments and legislators (sometimes with the support of the citizenry) without first doing a correct analysis, information and all the qualified opinions on the subject have been heard".

On the objective of the Business Council, its new Director pointed out that it will be to "serve as a link between CADAL and the business sector while at the same time feed the organization identifying the most worrying matters of the national realities to submit them to objective analysis and research. In turn this will help to form civic conscience that can then be turned into concrete actions of government, legislators, judges, citizens and businessmen". Reyser highlighted that "the private company as a producer of goods and services contribute, with no doubt, to develpment and economic and social progress of the countries. This is done through the support in risk money, initiative, entrepreneurship, efficiency, seeking for excelence, worrying for the employees it hires and the environment. This is why the suuport and coordinated work of the private sector and organizations like CADAL, so long as they  allow that the organizations accomplish their missions with complete independence, is something positive because the private sector feeds with information the organizations so that they identify the subjects that must be analyzed and researched with professionalism and objectivity, showing the different possible ways to progress".

Horacio Reyser is Associate of Southern Cross and forms part of the group since 1998. Southern Cross is a regional investment fund leader in Latin America, with offices in Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, São Paulo, Mexico and Greenwich, CT. Southern Cross applies a philosophy of a high commitment with the management of the companies she controls.

Before joining Southern Cross, Mr. Reyser worked for INFUPA, where he focused on fussions and acquisitions in the sectors of infrastructure, services and industrial companies. Mr. Reyser started his career in financial planing at SIDERCA, the Argentine producer of iron tubes, depending on Grupo Techint. He then served as the CEO assistant of plane iron division at Grupo Techint, in the local and international expansion of SIDERAR.

Mr. Reyser holds a degree of Industrial Engineer from Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA). He has been member of the Boards of Juncadella Prosegur Internacional S.A., Prosegur Argentina S.A., The Value Brands Company S.C.A., Laboratorios Northia S.A. and Campanario Generación S.A. and has acted as temporal CEO in several companies of Southern Cross.

December 19, 2008



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