Human Rights and
International Democratic Solidarity


Nicholas Probst
Nicholas Probst
Former international intern at CADAL
International Relations student at Johns Hopkins University (Class 2024). International intern at CADAL between June and July 2021
Nicholas Probst's publications
Articles | Artículos
15-09-2021 | Articles
Democracy is a set of elements that form the base of a society where the human rights of every individual, group, and identity are respected. It is not a Western concept but a universal one, that is compatible with the multitude of cultural differences and divergences that exist in this world. Democracy is able to be flexible and be expressed based on the unique needs of each society.

15-09-2021 | Artículos
La democracia es un conjunto de elementos que forman la base de una sociedad donde los derechos humanos de cada individuo, grupo e identidad son respetados. No es un concepto occidental sino universal, compatible con la multitud de diferencias y divergencias culturales que existen en el mundo. La democracia puede ser flexible y expresarse según las necesidades únicas de cada sociedad.
